Monday, January 7, 2013

Discovering Your Inner Lioness!


I laugh when people are either starting their family or having their first and say, "Oh, it won't change us at all."  Umm, yes, yes it will.  The real fact about it is, is that it should change us and grow us as people. One of the main things so many mothers talk about are the changes that occur with our bodies after having a baby.  Yes, things just don't look quite the same again and some areas tend to hang lower now-if you know what I mean. But for me, one of the main surprises was how I suddenly turned into the Lioness in the jungle protecting her baby cub. It's amazing how suddenly you find a courage that you never had before and an inner strength that comes from being a mother.  One of the amazing facts for me about being a Lioness is how it doesn't have to necessarily come from carrying a child.  That same power, courage and strength comes from mothers from all walks of life.  There are mothers who have this protection over their cubs even if their children are adopted, become a part of the family through marriage or just out of the special compassion from their hearts like Mother Teresa.

It's a special place in the heart of all mothers, no matter how they got there, to have the Lioness prowling inside.  Although the lack of sleep or privacy may be a little irritating at times, for me it certainly is worth it to have discovered my inner Mother Lioness. I have these incredible little cubs that certainly do fight like a brother and sister and I have to bring out my Lioness Roarrrrr. But at night when we are all snuggled in bed reading our bedtime stories and I hear..."Mommy I love you" it makes my heart purr forever. I'm very happy and blessed to be a part of the group of fellow Lionesses in the world.

Although, I still enjoy my quite long hot bubble baths or snuggle time with the Lion of my heart-my husband. So, us Lionesses still have to take some time out to refresh ourselves too, but our cubs are so worth it all to find our Roar!

Mommy's Rule for Today: Although our children will try us and test us, don't forget how they changed us and helped us find our inner strength and courage! So go out and be a proud of your cubs! RRROOOAAARRR!

Until Next Time!

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