Friday, January 4, 2013

A New Year-Now What? Staying Focused On What's Important!

As a mother and wife it is so easy to get caught up in the every day that we loose sight of the fun in life. As parents, we are so busy and worried about keeping the house clean, making good impressions and keeping everything prim and proper that we forget to just let loose and live life with fun.  Our kids will be able to remind us of that.  We are ever able to remind them to, "Grow Up!", well maybe we need to "Grow Down!" and remember the basics of life. Yes, go play in the messy Sahara bedroom and comb the desert for lost stuffed puppies.  Laugh about silliness and get messy in the dirt. We forget as adults the basics of life and the moments that count. So, for this new year my goal isn't to make a ton of Resolutions that I will never keep-because lets face it I will never look like Cindy Crawford, but Cindy Crawford will never look like me either.  I also, would miss out on carbs, fun and dirty dishes. Well maybe I could do without dirty dishes, but what parent doesn't wish about that. But no matter what, I love being me and I resolve to focus on what is important in my life this year and every day!  So what is your New Year's Resolution?

Mommy's Rule Today: Go have a little fun!

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